
The creative agency that will develop
your business cards your social media posts your presentations your videos your web designs your flyers your photographs your motion graphics

Who are we?

Bolteam is a design agency, specialized in providing solutions and addressing all graphic needs of our clients with our team of graphic designers.

Our Team

Ramon Kuri - Bolteam

Ramón Kuri

Co-founder and CEO

Jorge Najera

Jorge Nájera

Co-founder and Director of Engineering

Adrian Garza

Adrian Garza

Co-founder and Director of Finance

Chantal Rodriguez - Bolteam


Customer Success

Mariana Suárez

Mariana Suárez


Alondra Cázares

Alondra Cázares

Account Manager

Martha Medrano

Martha Medrano


Catalina Marín

Catalina Marín


Brandon Silva

Brandon Silva


Carla Méndez

Carla Méndez


Alan Hernández

Alan Hernández


André Méndez

André Méndez


Efraín González

Efraín González

Product Developer

Do you want to be part of the team?

Explore our job openings and join the Bolteam

Greetings from Monterrey ⛰

We are located at:

Hilario Martínez 715, Col. Nuevo Repueblo, Monterrey, Nuevo León. Zip Code: 64700

If you can imagine it,
we can design it

You focus on growing your business and leave all your designs, graphics, and videos in our hands to take your brand to the next level.